Tag Archives: DADT

U.S. News: DADT Repealed! DREAM Act defeated.

This weekend in the U.S., many of us celebrated the repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” the statute that allowed individuals to be discharged from the military for being openly gay. For many, this represents a Presidential promise made by Bill Clinton, that is finally being fulfilled.

Although this is some evidence that President Obama’s sometimes  subtle political techniques,  seem to be working, those supporting the repeal should still be concerned that there is currently no timeline for the process of implementation.

Some might ask, what about our troops, how is this affecting their ability to function on the battlefield. The Marines for one intend to do just what they have always done, they intend to follow orders and to lead the way, but don’t take my word for it. In spite of his own personal opinions regarding the repeal, here’s what General James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps had to say in the New York Times article entitled A How-To Guide for a New Military “the Marine Corps will step out smartly to faithfully implement this new policy.”

While this progressive move by the U.S. government, distinguishes our culture of human rights from that of countries like Uganda, where being openly gay is illegal, the U.S. Senate giveth and the U.S. Senate taketh away.

From NPR, See:

U.S. News: Don’t ask, don’t tell, outdated policy?

There have been many articles in the news lately about the Don’t ask don’t tell policy.

According to an NPR news report, while the older generation of Marine leaders still believe things like:

  • openly serving Gay Dutch troops are responsible for a 1990s massacre of Muslims in the Balkans; and
  • homosexuality is immoral

The new generation currently serving in the Marine Corps have been polled, and more than half support the Congressional repeal of don’t ask don’t tell.

Meanwhile, a blog post from a deployed gay Marine sergeant, known only as At War, suggests that queer troops, while they appreciate that the policy is being changed for human rights reasons, are not civilian activists, and whatever the decision, however the hoped-for repeal may be implemented, because they choose to serve, they must also behave in such a way that they “continue to prove that there are no risks associated with repealing D.A.D.T.” (http://atwar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/dont-ask-dont-tell-dont-lose-focus-on-the-mission/)

You can listen or read online three recent NPR news reports on this issue:

See Also, from the New York Times and the Washington Post:

