Monthly Archives: September 2010

Library Mini-Classes by June MacLeod

Monday, October 4

* 11:30-12 noon             How to Research
* 12 noon- 12:15 pm    How to Locate a Case/Statute

Tuesday, October 5

* 11:30-11:45 am          What are ALR’s
* 12 noon- 12:30 pm   Introduction to ALWD citation

Thursday, October 7

* 11:15-11:30 am            What is a Treatise
* 11:30-12:00 noon        What is a Digest

The 2.0 Law Practice by Christelle Vaval

Despite the advent of Smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, etc.) and the many ways they facilitate our lives (i.e. we can now start a car, open a bank account, receive and send e-mails, read the news, etc.), the legal profession still seems to be behind on technology. Read More…

Library Highlights: Elder Law

Everyday Law for Seniors

Lawrence A. Frolik and Linda S. Whitton

KF390.A4 F7535 2010

From the Publisher: Seniors are a wide ranging and exponentially growing special status group that the law treats differentially with respect to rights, responsibilities, and benefits. This book is written to inform and assist seniors and those who care for them. The topics covered range from retirement strategies, housing options, and long-term care to federal benefit programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and ultimately, to end of life decisions. Whether you are someone looking out for your parents; a new retiree concerned about your legal rights; or one of the growing number of “old old” eighty-five years or older who needs answers to confusing legal issues, this book provides essential information in clear language about timely topics such as reverse mortgages, long-term care insurance, powers of attorney, guardianship, and the hidden problem of elder abuse.

Elder Law Answer Book

Robert B. Fleming, Lisa Nachmias Davis

KF390.A4 F58 2010

From the Publisher: Written by nationally-known elder law practitioners, Robert B. Fleming and Lisa Nachmias Davis, the Elder Law Answer Book gathers the most current legal, regulatory, and practice guidelines from the core topics of elder law, long-term care, estate planning, retirement planning, healthcare decision making, and rights of the elderly — and presents this information in a thoroughly integrated, easy-access reference. The all-new Third Edition of Elder Law Answer Book helps you render sound advice and give reliable guidance on: medicaid and long-term care planning, estate planning, probate and trust administration, special needs trusts, medicare and more!

A Well-Tailored Safety Net: The Only Fair and Sensible way to Save Social Security

Jed Graham

HD7125 .G695 2010

From the Publisher: Tackling one of the most difficult and divisive issues facing America today, A Well- Tailored Safety Net: The Only Fair and Sensible Way to Save Social Security seeks to transform the political debate over Social Security reform by introducing the first proposal tailored to meet both the nation’s fiscal challenges and the responsibility of caring for an aging population. As the first batch of 77 million baby boomers begins to collect its social security benefits in the midst of the explosion of national debt from economic recovery expenditures, Social Security reform becomes increasingly urgent. Jed Graham takes apart each of the current leading proposals and shows how all of them fall short by the key criteria of affordability, effectiveness, and fairness. Graham proposes a bold new approach that would erase more debt than any other proposal, yet avoid benefit cuts in very old age, when people can least afford them. Short on actuary speak and long on common sense, A Well-Tailored Safety Net makes the Social Security debate accessible to general readers. At the same time, it advances innovative solutions with such command of analytic detail and ideological impartiality as to merit serious study by legislators and policymakers.

New Times, New Challenges:

Law and Advice for Savvy Seniors and their Families

Kenney F. Heglandm, Robert B. Fleming

KF390.A4 H443 2010

From the Publisher: Students taking Elder Law or Health Law might find this book helpful to get a quick introduction to topics you don’t cover in your course or as a second opinion for those you do. As a savvy law professor, even if you don’t teach those courses, particularly if you don’t teach those courses, you get tough questions from friends and relatives — “Should I have a living trust? What’s a health care power of attorney? What’s a disgruntled heir?” Here’s help for dire times. Written by a law professor with the practical insights of an elder law lawyer, it covers everything from retirement (finances, housing, Medicare) to advance directives, elder abuse to nursing homes, scams, bill collectors, age discrimination, to disability in the family and hospice. It even covers sex, driving, and what it feels like growing old, having everyone start calling you “dear” and giving you, without even asking, those dreaded discounts.

Comparing how Various Nations Administer Retirement Income: Essays on Social Security, Privatisation, and Inter-Generational Covenants

edited by Mark Hyde and John Dixon

HD7091 .C56 2010

From the Publisher: This book makes an innovative contribution to the field of retirement income security in three distinctive ways. First, it seeks to develop a sophisticated philosophical rationale for the social dimension, in the context of retirement. Such a rationale is frequently implicit in much of the relevant literature, and where explicit, is often crudely developed. Second, it seeks to identify robustly the ways in which specific forms of privatisation promote outcomes that are consistent with the social dimension, whilst acknowledging the possibility of market failure. Third, it seeks to provide an agenda for reform, based on robustly developed normative arguments, and a careful appraisal of the evidence.

Social Security: A Fresh Look at Policy Alternatives

Jagadeesh Gokhale

HD7125 .G654 2010

From the Publisher: To assess Social Security’s fate more accurately under current and alternative policies, Gokhale constructs a detailed simulation of the forces shaping American demographics and the economy to project their future evolution. He then uses this simulation to analyze six prominent Social Security reform packages—two liberal, two centrist, and two conservative—to demonstrate how far they would restore the program’s financial health and which population groups would be helped or hurt in the process. Arguments over Social Security have raged for decades, but they have taken place in a relative informational vacuum; Social Security provides the necessary bedrock of analysis that will prove vital for anyone with a stake in this important debate.

Forced Out: Older Workers Confront Job Loss

Kenneth A. Root, Rosemarie J. Park

HD5708.55.U6 R65 2009

From the Publisher: What happens to long-term employees when their jobs are unexpectedly eliminated? In this richly detailed study of a major layoff and its aftermath, Kenneth Root and Rosemarie Park address head-on the ramifications of job loss for older workers. The authors follow the experiences of 173 factory workers—from first thoughts on being forced out of work to reflections several years later. Retraining, age discrimination, and the occasional, if unanticipated, benefits of job loss are among the many issues considered. The result is a wide-ranging and thoughtful look at both the universal issues facing downsized employees and the unique challenges of being an older worker involuntarily out of work.

Center for Law, Technology & Communications— Recent Acquisitions

Bank 2.0: How Customer Behaviour and Technology will Change the Future of Financial Services
Brett King
HG1616.C87 K56 2010
ThomCat |

Creating an Opportunity Society
Ron Haskins, Isabel Sawhill
HN90.S65 H35 2009
ThomCat |

The Glannon Guide to Commercial Paper and Payment Systems: Learning Commercial Paper and Payment Systems through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis
Stephen M. McJohn
KF957 .M39 2009 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Robert P. Merges, Peter S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley
KF2979 .I432 2010 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

The Patent Crisis and how the Courts can Solve it
Dan L. Burk and Mark A. Lemley
KF3114 .B87 2009
ThomCat |

A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy
Mary Beth Beazley
KF251 .B42 2010 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Principles of Payment Systems
James J. White, Robert S. Summers
KF957 .W48 2008 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Selected Commercial Statutes for Secured Transactions Courses
Carol L. Chomsky .. [et al.]
KF879.A15 S456 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat | Amazon

The Tech Contracts Handbook: Software Licenses and Technology Services Agreements for Lawyers and Business People
David W. Tollen
KF905.C6 T65 2010
ThomCat | Amazon

This Business of Urban Music: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success in the Industry, from Gospel to Funk to R&B to Hip-Hop
James L. Walker, Jr.
ML3795 .W26 2008
ThomCat |

Trademarks and Unfair Competition: Law and Policy
Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Mark D. Janis
KF3180 .D56 2010 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

U.S. Social Security: A Reference Handbook
Steven G. Livingston
HD7125 .L58 2008
ThomCat |

Center for Global Legal Studies— Recent Acquisitions

Antigone: Texte Original, Introduction et Notes
David I. Grossvogel
PQ2601.N67 A63 1959 (Course Reserve)

Beyond the Boycott: Labor Rights, Human Rights, and Transnational Activism
Gay W. Seidman
HD8943 .S44 2009
ThomCat |

China’s Long March toward Rule of Law
Randall Peerenboom
KNQ2025 .P44 2002 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

French Criminal Law
Catherine Elliott
KJV7979 .E435 2001
ThomCat |

Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital through Cross-Border Campaigns
edited by Kate Bronfenbrenner
HD6475.A1 G57 2007
ThomCat |

International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Civil Procedure
edited by Paul Lemmens
K2205 .I584 1994-
ThomCat |

Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope
Shirin Ebadi with Azadeh Moaveni
KMH110.I23 A3 2006 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

The Pianist
Produced by Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde; screenplay by Ronald Harwood
VIDEO PN1995.9.B55 P536578 2002 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

The Pianist: The Extraordinary Story of One Man’s Survival in Warsaw, 1939-4
Wadysaw Szpilman; with extracts from the diary of Wilm Hosenfeld; foreword by Andrzej Szpilman
DS135.P63 S94713 1999 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books
Azar Nafisi
PE64.N34 A3 2003 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Translated and with an introduction by David Grene
PA4414.A1 G7 1991 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Two Women
Produced by Arta Film & Arman Film; written and directed by Tahmineh Milani
VIDEO PN1997 .T862 1998 DVD-ROM (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Center for Law & Social Justice — Recent Acquisitions

Capital Punishment on Trial: Furman v. Georgia and the Death Penalty in Modern America
David M. Oshinsky
KF9227.C2 O82 2010 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Criminal Law: Cases, Materials, and Text
Phillip E. Johnson, Morgan Cloud
KF9218 .J6 2002 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Forced Out: Older Workers Confront Job Loss
Kenneth A. Root, Rosemarie J. Park
HD5708.55.U6 R65 2009
ThomCat |

International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Civil Procedure
editor, Paul Lemmens
K2205 .I584 1994-
ThomCat |

Redefining Retirement: How will Boomers Fare?
edited by Brigitte Madrian, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Beth J. Soldo
HQ1064.U5 R3734 2007
ThomCat |

Social Security: A Fresh Look at Policy Alternatives
Jagadeesh Gokhale
HD7125 .G654 2010
ThomCat |

Southern Region Black Law Students Association Law Journal
Legal Periodical (2nd Floor)

Understanding the Social Security Act: The Foundation of Social Welfare for America in the Twenty-First Century
Andrew W. Dobelstein
KF3649 .D63 2009
ThomCat |

A Well-Tailored Safety Net: The Only Fair and Sensible way to Save Social Security
Jed Graham
HD7125 .G695 2010
ThomCat |

White Collar Crime: Cases, Materials, and Problems
J. Kelly Strader, Sandra D. Jordan
KF9350 .S78 2009 (Course Reserve)
ThomCat |

Library Highlights: Law School Success

Demystifying the First Year of Law School: A Guide to the 1L Experience

Albert J. Moore and David A. Binder

KF283 .M66 2010

From the Publisher: Demystifying the First Year of Law School: A Guide to the 1L Experience provides law students with explicit frameworks for reading and analyzing court opinions in all first year courses. Using hypothetical classroom dialogues, the book explains how these frameworks will help student understand and participate in classroom discussions, answer questions on exams, and use the skills learned in the first year when representing clients in practice. Written by top scholars drawing on their experience as authors and educators, Demystifying the First Year of Law School: A Guide to the 1L Experience, gives the benefit of experience to the uninitiated. It’s ideal as a companion to any first year course, as a text in a legal methods or academic support course, or as background for a law school orientation program.

Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review

Eugene Volokh

KF250 .V65 2010

From the Publisher: Designed to help law students write and publish articles, this text provides detailed instructions for every aspect of the law school writing, research, and publication process. Topics covered include law review articles and student notes, seminar term papers, how to shift from research to writing, citation-checking others’ work, publishing, and publicizing written works. This edition adds examples drawn from successful student notes, coupled with detailed explanations of what makes the examples effective and how they could have been made still more effective. It also elaborates on how one can research a topic more comprehensively than is usually done.

Bridging the Gap Between College and Law School: Strategies for Success

Ruta K. Stropus & Charlotte D. Taylor

KF283 .S77 2009

From the Publisher: This popular book helps students make the transition from their undergraduate experience to law school learning. Unlike other “introduction to law school” texts, Bridging the Gap offers a different approach because it: Explains the “why” of law, providing students with the context necessary to understand why law school is taught in a certain manner, explains the “how” of the law, setting out a step-by-step process that will help students adapt to the law school setting and explains the “what” of the law, giving students the opportunity to practice the problem-solving process by providing numerous exercises in a variety of subject matter areas. Rather than giving only general advice, or black letter law and some practice problems for a specific subject, Bridging the Gap provides the context, the process, and the problems. Written by two former law school professors who used these techniques with thousands of students, Bridging the Gap is a guide to what really works in law school.

1L of a Ride: A Well-traveled Professor’s Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School

Andrew J. McClurg

KF287 .M38 2009

From the Publisher: This book provides a candid step-by-step road map to both academic and emotional success in law school’s critical first year. Topics covered include top student fears, the first-year curriculum, effective class participation, types of law students and professors, case briefing, note-taking, outlining, legal research and writing, exam preparation, exam-taking, and stress management. This text shows rather than tells using dozens of anecdotes and comments from real 1Ls, as well as authentic samples of Socratic dialogue, exam questions, and student case briefs and class notes. The author is an award-winning professor and noted legal humorist with experience teaching at several law schools.

Movie Therapy for Law Students: Are you Ready for Law School??: Prepare for Law School, Final Exams, and the Bar Exam by Watching Movies!!

Sonia J. Buck

PN1995.9.J8 B83 2009

From the Publisher: *Packed with black letter law, dozens of exam study tips, useful Internet links and other valuable resources for law students, legal movie trivia and other interesting nuggets. *Geared toward law students, but entertaining and straightforward enough for anyone

Mindfulness for Law Students: Using the Power of Mindful Awareness to Achieve Balance and Success in Law School

Scott L. Rogers

KF287 .R64 2009

From the Publisher: Mindfulness for Law Students is a one-of-a-kind book that is specifically designed to introduce law students to fundamental contemplative practices as well as the cutting-edge research that shows how incorporating mindfulness techniques can alter the physical structure and function of the brain to reflect decreased levels of stress, increased levels of productivity and improved mental health. This book is based on the Jurisight® program – which uses legal terms and concepts to teach lawyers what they need to know about mindfulness and neuroscience to lead more balanced and effective lives – and written with input from law students, law professors and recent law school graduates to ensure that the lessons are accessible to law students and can be easily integrated into their busy schedules.

Law School Labyrinth: A Guide to Making the Most of your Legal Education

Steven R. Sedberry

KF283 .S43 2009

From the Publisher: Law school can be an expensive, time-consuming, and frequently exhausting experience. Students must “hit the ground running.” Law School Labyrinth acts as a road map to the entire law school experience—from admissions to graduation and beyond. Steven Sedberry examines popular law student misconceptions and helps readers understand the primary objectives of law school. Following his “been there, done that” advice, students will learn how to read legal opinions, participate in Socratic dialogue, and assimilate and retain information necessary to succeed on law school exams. Going beyond the classroom, the book provides information on summer clerkships and career advice. Law School Labyrinth is the consummate blueprint for all three years of law school.